~~~~~~~25 Aug 05~~~~~~~
Breakfast at the Crown & Mitre Hotel
Josh on the elegant staircase at the hotel
The majestic Carlisle Cathedral (see our guys on the sidewalk? Due to lack of time, did not go inside.
Connor & Josh on top of the wall bordering cathedral garden
thought this was cute...it's the "castle hairdressing room" across the street from Carlisle Castle : )
The boys with Gma & Gpa at the huge entry door into the Carlisle Castle
Connor practices his archery...
Robert, Connor & William near the cannons on the wall
Crossing the River Esk in the rain as we traveled between Longtown and Eskdale.
Eskdalemuir...a beautiful little village where we stopped for a rest break.
The Crown Hotel where we ate a late lunch.
The journey continues on this day as we find the B709 and have quite an adventure as we travel to Edinburgh. Click here to get to those pictures...
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