~~~~~June 2005 Flowers & Critters~~~~~
2 Jun 05
a tree in our back garden has started flowering
2 Jun 05
a fat pigeon in the back garden
5 Jun 05
Connor's slugs
5 Jun 05
pretty flowers in Tammy's garden
5 Jun 05
Josh's slug
5 Jun 05
poppies are now blooming...EVERYWHERE, it seems!
5 Jun 05
small group of poppies
5 Jun 05
purple flowers near Weeting
5 Jun 05
closer look at purple flowers
6 Jun 05
click on above photo to see some of the neat creatures we saw at the Butterfly & Falconry Centre
6 Jun 05
deer in a field of poppies
6 Jun 05
red swath of poppies
7 Jun 05
daisies & poppies
7 Jun 05
happy daisy patch along side of road
7 Jun 05
lavender up close
Feltwell Elementary
8 Jun 05
beautiful white rose
Feltwell Elementary
8 Jun 05
white rosebud
Feltwell Elementary
close this window to go back

10 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
11 Jun 05
red roses against white walls
Castle Museum Cafe'
11 Jun 05
Norwich Castle Museum Cafe'
11 Jun 05
Norwich--wildflowers near castle
12 Jun 05
RAF Lakenheath
14 Jun 05
giant worm/RAF Feltwell
14 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
14 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
14 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
14 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
14 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
19 Jun 05
Sedge Fen
14 Jun 05
Feltwell Elementary
19 Jun 05
Sedge Fen
23 Jun 05
William holding a frog found in our back garden
26 Jun 05
Sedge Fen
26 Jun 05
Sedge Fen
29 Jun 05
RAF Feltwell
29 Jun 05
RAF Feltwell